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How to Create a Pantry in a Small Kitchen


Staff member
Dec 13, 2023
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Is your apartment kitchen missing a pantry? If space isn’t on your side, don’t worry — there are plenty of ways to expand the possibilities of this essential area. The solution may be simpler and more affordable than you think! Here are some kitchen pantry ideas for small spaces.

Get Creative With Your Cabinets​

Figuring out how to organize a small kitchen without a pantry isn’t as hard as it seems. This is especially true if you can carve out a little space in your cabinets! In order to maximize your cabinets, first minimize their contents. Go through your plates, glassware, bowls, and remaining kitchenware and only hang onto the bare essentials. This may mean sacrificing extra quantities of plates, cups, and bowls, but you’ll be amazed by how much storage you’ll gain!

Once you’ve cleared away the clutter, designate a cabinet or two (or three!) for pantry contents only. Implement an organization system within your kitchen cupboards — even a shallow or shelf or two can make a noticeable difference.

Create a DIY Open Pantry​

Creating a pantry in a small kitchen can be as easy as implementing an additional shelving unit. Bookcases, etageres, or even bedroom armoires can make for excellent food organization areas. Plus, this can be an opportunity to bring in a statement piece that amps up your interior design! These elegant furniture options don’t have to be for just kitchen items either; they can also serve as multi-functional storage hubs in your home.

DIY pantry ideas for small kitchens are endless. A little internet surfing will lead you to plenty of tutorials on how to build your own pantry or shelving unit. If your apartment offers a kitchenette instead of a kitchen, designing a DIY pantry is probably your best bet for additional food storage.

Think Outside of the Box​

When it comes to organizing small spaces in general, the key is to utilize every nook and cranny. It’s important to remember that pantries aren’t the only ways to store food!

Placing fruits and veggies in decorative bowls can be a pretty way to put your countertops to use. Or use the top of your fridge as a shelf for dry goods! If you buy in bulk, try keeping only everyday items in your kitchen and non-perishables in storage. There are ways around this situation that don’t require additional shelving or containers.

Make Moves to Upgrade Your Apartment​

Is your space too cramped for comfort? If your current apartment just isn’t cutting it, it might be time to make a move.

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Life is too short to be constantly home searching or stuck in a place you’re not crazy about. With the help of ApartmentSearch, you can get out of limbo and into a home you love!

The post How to Create a Pantry in a Small Kitchen appeared first on Apartment Life.
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