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Easy Dishes You Should Know How to Prepare


Staff member
Dec 13, 2023
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Cooking can be a passionate pastime, a necessity, or a creative outlet – sometimes, it’s all three at once. Whether you’re a kitchen novice or a seasoned home chef, there are certain dishes that mark milestones in your culinary prowess.

Easy Dishes You Should Know How to Prepare

Here are some of the most essential meals that every aspiring cook should have in their repertoire. These dishes go beyond grilled cheese and instant ramen and will arm you with the skills you need to impress your guests and delight your taste buds.

The All-American Hot Dog​

The hot dog may not seem like a dish that requires culinary prowess, but when done right, it’s an embodiment of American heritage and flavor. The foundation is a quality frankfurter, nestled in a soft, warm bun and topped with an array of condiments that suit your taste.

All-American Hot Dog

All-American Hot Dog

Grill, griddle, or microwave the hot dogs to give them a charred exterior and a juicy, smoky flavor. If you need tips on microwaving hot dogs or the best grilling techniques, consult many available online resources. While preparing your dogs, consider the options for toppings – from classic yellow mustard and relish to chili, coleslaw, or even mac and cheese. The beauty of the hot dog is its versatility; it can be as simple or as loaded as you’d like. Just be sure to use a top-notch hot dog and a bun that’s up to the task of cradling these iconic links.

Classic Spaghetti Aglio e Olio​

A seemingly simple yet immensely flavorful dish, Spaghetti Aglio e Olio hails from Naples and offers a lesson in restraint and quality. Translated as spaghetti with garlic and oil, this staple Italian recipe can be prepared in the time it takes to boil pasta, making it a perfect go-to meal for busy evenings or impromptu gatherings.

Spaghetti Aglio e Olio

Spaghetti Aglio e Olio

To start, thinly slice garlic and gently fry in a generous amount of good olive oil until golden. Cook your pasta al dente, then transfer it directly to the pan with the garlic and oil. Toss and coat the strands evenly, adding a pinch of red pepper flakes for a hint of heat. Finish with a sprinkle of fresh parsley and grated parmesan. The secret to success here is never to skimp on the garlic or the olive oil. They’re the stars of this show.

Deliciously Simple Chicken Piccata​

Chicken Piccata is a dish celebrated for both its bright, punchy flavors and its quick cooking time. A piece of chicken breast, pounded flat to ensure uniform thickness, is dredged in flour, pan-seared golden brown, and finished with a mouthwatering, lemony caper sauce.

Chicken Piccata

Chicken Piccata

The key is to ensure the chicken is browned well but not overcooked. Remove the chicken from the pan while it’s still slightly underdone and prepare the sauce by deglazing the pan with white wine, then adding lemon juice and capers, reducing until slightly thickened. Return the chicken to the pan to finish cooking and coat in the aromatic sauce. This versatile dish pairs well with a variety of sides and is equally suited to casual weeknight meals or elegant dinner parties.

Exquisite Beef Bourguignon​

Beef Bourguignon, popularized by Julia Child, is a warming beef stew that simmers slowly, allowing the flavors to meld into a rich, comforting dish. The recipe calls for a sophisticated combination of red wine, beef broth, and a bouquet garni, contributing to its complex flavor profile.

Beef Bourguignon

Beef Bourguignon

In a heavy pot, sear cubed beef with salt and pepper. Remove the beef and sauté onions, carrots, and celery until softened. Return the beef to the pot, sprinkle with flour, and stir to coat. Pour in red wine and broth, and add tomato paste and the herb bundle. Simmer on low heat for several hours, allowing the meat to become tender and the sauce to thicken. The patience required for this dish is rewarded with a meal that’s a true labor of love and a testament to traditional French cuisine.

Perfect Your Pasta Carbonara​

Pasta Carbonara is a staple of Italian cuisine, and when prepared correctly, it’s a luscious combination of egg, cheese, pancetta, and pasta. Timing and technique are crucial to achieving the creamy sauce without scrambling the eggs.

Begin by frying the pancetta in a pan until crisp and golden, then set it aside. In a bowl, whisk together eggs, parmesan, and black pepper. Cook spaghetti, then transfer it directly to the egg mixture, using the residual heat to create a silky, rich sauce. Add the pancetta and a bit of the rendered fat for a saltiness that complements the creamy texture. The result is a dish that’s sophisticated in simplicity and sure to please any lover of Italian food.

Pasta Carbonara

Pasta Carbonara

These dishes are the stepping stones to a lifelong love affair with cooking. Each one teaches fundamental skills that can be applied to thousands of recipes and each encourages a deeper understanding of ingredients and flavors. Practice and enjoy the process, and soon enough, your confidence in the kitchen will grow as you begin to experiment and create your own memorable dishes. Happy cooking!

The post Easy Dishes You Should Know How to Prepare appeared first on Filipino Dessert Recipes by PingDesserts.com.
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