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Could LED video billboards be the ideal solution for a post-pandemic world?


Staff member
Dec 13, 2023
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The last 12 months have been difficult. That’s perhaps the understatement of the century. With the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns crippling not only the NHS, but the health of the economy and businesses of all sizes.

In a time of turmoil and with an uncertain future ahead businesses need to let people know they are still there – still fighting to offer the best service they can to consumers.

For those businesses, perhaps it’s time to make a big, bold statement. What better way to announce yourself to the world than with a giant, beautiful billboard that can be totally customised, at an affordable price?

Below, we’ve outlined some situations where LED video billboards could be used to drive business, advertise offerings, and improve productivity.

Shut up shop​

If a business has been forced to close its physical store due to COVID-19 restrictions, then shoppers might turn up, see the lights shut off and then go home and buy whatever they were going to purchase from your business from an online competitor instead.

By installing a video billboard above the store, you could let these customers know that you’re open for business online. You may even consider adding a discount code on the billboard to offer an added incentive and let your potential customer feel less like they’ve wasted a trip.

Of course, an LED video might be a little ambitious for smaller outlets but in these cases, LCD is a more affordable and practical comparable solution.

Loaning out advertising time​

An LED video billboard is not just a potential source of advertisement. It’s also a valuable income stream. You can rent out advertising space to other companies and use the profits to pay for the screen.

This is particularly handy if your screen is located in an area that gets a lot of traffic. In addition, you may be able to charge a premium depending on location.

Warehouse logistics​

In large warehouses where it can be difficult to keep track of production targets or where everyone is at any given time (especially relevant given social distancing), LED video billboards can be used to display a range of information.

Everything from who is on the shop floor right now (and where they are specifically) to schedules, deadlines, and shipping or production statistics.

It’s a uniquely-flexible tool that we have seen utilised in hundreds of different ways by warehouses across the country.

Off the beaten track​

Finally, you might have a business located quite far out of the way. Maybe you’re a little out of town or on a trading estate that the average passerby might not naturally drive past unless given direction?

In this situation, LED video billboards can be used to direct attention and provide directions to businesses that people might not even realise are there otherwise.

It’s certainly going to be a major investment, but anywhere there’s a large empty wall and a lot of passing traffic (foot or vehicular) could be a potential space to mount your billboard and drive much-needed attention your way.

Image: ARTYOORAN / Shutterstock.com

The post Could LED video billboards be the ideal solution for a post-pandemic world? appeared first on Spectra Displays.
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