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Comment on Recruitment begins for San Benito County Civil Grand Jury by Joseph P. Thompson


Staff member
Dec 13, 2023
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Friends, In 2008 SBCBOS voted to oppose Prop. 1A, a $10B bond measure to fund Bullet Train. But SBCCOG voted to support it. So, did SBC oppose, or support, the Supermassive Black Hole Bullet Train? If Planning Commission makes a mistake, SBCBOS have jurisdiction (power granted them by the voters) to reverse the Planning Commission’s mistake. What if COG makes a mistake? Do the Supervisors have authority to overrule COG? No, COG is a stand-alone entity of government, unlike the Planning Commission, which is a committee appointed by the BOS. Why do motorists have to pay higher gas taxes and see the unelected COG directors divert their tax dollars to transit subsidies to fund insolvent-from-conception public sector Black Holes. Do we really want the for-hire carriage of passenger business run by unelected COG directors? Who use our tax dollars to keep their boondoggles running, and paying above-market wages, salaries, pensions and benefits to special interests who control the directors? Tell me one country where this socialist method ever succeeded. More? Just read my letters to SBCCOG’s directors starting in 1999. I assume that they kept them as part of the public record. Editor of Freelance published some of them. Joe Thompson
(408) 848-5506; E-Mail: [email protected] PS: The SCC Civil Grand Jury Report on VTA is entitled, “Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority—Taking the Public for a Ride.” I couldn’t have written a better title for it myself. jt

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