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Comment on Damaged sewer line in west side Hollister digs up debate by Hollister Mayor Mia Casey


Staff member
Dec 13, 2023
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“They don’t care about what the citizens of Hollister, especially on the west side, have to endure,” Resendiz said, referring to his city council colleagues. “[Residents] have been saying that it smells over there. They’re pleading to find out why and they’re asking them not to expand the sewer services until we figure it out.” ~Councilmember Rolan Resendiz

“To me, the west side of Hollister is constantly being dismissed. If this was going on in southeast Hollister, I guarantee you it would be treated differently. There would be a lot more aggressive inspection; there would be more consideration for what impact [residential] growth is having on these residents. But, you know, it’s the City of Hollister’s west side,” ~Supervisor Kollin Kosmicki

This is a very biased article, when you allow a Councilmember and his friend on the Board of Supervisors to make disparaging remarks about other Councilmembers and the City, but you do not even seek a response from those Councilmembers. It is particularly offensive that these two elected officials would falsely state the City Council does not listen to or care for residents of the Westside.

A large number of the residents attending the council meeting that night were not there about the maintenance (not expansion of the sewer as this article misrepresents — but replacement of two sewer bioreactor membrane parts that had reached the end of their lifespan).

Many were there to complain about the odors particularly around the Bridgevale neighborhood. And the City Council did listen to residents and did something about it immediately. Councilmember Resendiz has known about this odor issue in his district area for a long time—but did not demand an investigation as to why there was a smell. He even has discretionary funds he could have used to help pay for an investigation but never offered to do so to help his constituents.

Councilmember Tim Burns immediately called for an investigation and the Council supported it unanimously. That is what listening to your residents and supporting them looks like, not these political dramas created by Councilmember Resendiz.

Why did the Freelance not ask Resendiz why he has never stepped up and demanded an investigation for his constituents, especially since he knew about this particular odor problem long before the rest of Council?

The truth is the only thing Councilmember Resendiz is interested in is disparaging and attempting to discredit other Councilmembers, instead of seeing to the needs of his constituents. It’s a shame Supervisor Kosmicki would go along with disparaging other elected officials.

This City Council has engaged proactively with the residents of the Westside and started an investigation into the odor in this area and has committed to resolving it. In fact, it was the very reason this pipe break was discovered in the first place.

Poorly written Freelance. Please attempt to be more balanced and factual in your reporting in the future,

—Hollister Mayor Mia Casey

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