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Backyard Bouquets {10.30.14}


Staff member
Dec 13, 2023
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Here they come! The MUMS!! They are in full bloom this week. I’m sure you’ll be seeing even more in next week’s design, but for now, they are still playing second fiddle a bit to the ever-starring dahlia. The weatherman says we’re getting a real freeze this weekend so all the dahlias will be gone in just a few short days. Then the mums will really shine!
Love 'n Fresh Flowers
Really can’t believe that we’ve hit the last week of October already. Dare I say the dreaded and joyful words. . . “holiday season”?? Time to get merry and bright as the days grow shorter and shorter! We are going to be taking limited orders for Thanksgiving centerpieces again this year. The mums will decidedly be front and center in those along with succulents and our adorable baby pumpkins. Watch the blog and Instagram feed for news on how to grab an arrangement for your feast table! AND we’ll be hosting a Norman Rockwell-inspired wreath-making workshop at the farm shortly after Thanksgiving. So there will be plenty of fodder for another month of Backyard Bouquets and then I’ll probably draw this fun project to a close for another season.
Tell me, what have been some of your favorite designs and/or blooms this season?
Love 'n Fresh Flowers
What’s blooming in your backyard this week? Feel free to add a link to your own Backyard Bouquets in the comments section below. If you are on Instagram, be sure to use the hashtag #backyardbouquets to join in the fun. I’d love to see what everyone is growing and creating!
The only “rule” is that all the elements in the arrangement must be sourced locally, within a 25 mile radius. Your own backyard is a great place to start!!
Love 'n Fresh Flowers

Love 'n Fresh Flowers
Love 'n Fresh Flowers
Love 'n Fresh Flowers

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