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Announcing Living Art Kits Subscription Boxes


Staff member
Dec 13, 2023
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Art Subscription Boxes: Botanic Adventures for Kids Every Month!​

Boy gathering flowersWe’re ecstatic to announce our monthly Living Art Kits membership is now live and ready for you to subscribe. Our art subscription boxes can be part of anyone’s creative lives month after month.

Our Living Art Kits subscription plan will provide guided activities that are self-paced, fun, easy to follow and artistic.


Help them grow their creative and artistic confidence and botanic knowledge.


  • Monthly Botanic Themes & Techniques
  • Video: Easy Step-by-Step
  • Recipe: What to get to design your project
  • Containers: Two-to-share!
  • Tools: Enough for Two People to Do Together
  • Free shipping included to anywhere in the USA


Each subscription consists of its own living art monthly activities, so every kid has something new to anticipate with each month.


The tools, vases, pots and supplies will be sent along with access to online instructions for each monthly themed activity. We include enough for two kids to do together or kids can do with their parents.


Students can self-pace and learn by watching pre-recorded how-to videos so they never get lost and can re-watch any lesson.


Each creative activity prompt is an opportunity for children to embrace new challenges. Through hands-on learning, kids are more likely to remain engaged and to build upon their creative problem-solving skills.

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Art Subscription Boxes

We provide the lessons, the supplies list and the tools. All you need to add are the flowers and we guide you on the best ways to find those in your hometown. Our botanic Living Art Kits are fun delivered to your doorstep every month! Our Living Art Kits subscription plan will provide guided activities that are self-paced, fun, easy to follow and artistic. Each month’s subscription box will help engage a child create botanic art with fresh flowers, foraged stems, leaves, seeds, pods, vegetables, fruit and more! We provide the lessons, the supplies list and the tools. All you need to add are the flowers and we guide you on the best ways to find those in your hometown. Every month will offer a seasonally appropriate theme so that kids can use locally grown flowers and foraged items for the subscription box project. Along the way, kids will learn about how to keep flowers fresh, how to choose the best flowers for designing, how to find botanic items to add to designs and a little bit of botanic science. Free shipping included to anywhere in the USA.

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