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12 AR Apps and Tips for Awesome Classrooms with Jaime Donally


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Dec 13, 2023
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From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
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Using your smartphone, you can now scan a human. In this episode of the 10 Minute Teacher podcast, I speak with AR expert Jaime Donally about practical ways to use augmented reality in the classroom. Jaime shares 12 top tips and resources for engaging learning with immersive tech, including 3D scanning, 3D printing, and more. She discusses the importance of spatial learning and how AR and VR can help students prepare for future careers. Teachers looking to make their lessons more engaging and interactive won't want to miss this conversation!


Episode 799 Outline – How to Use AR in the Classroom​

  1. ARVRinEDU.com
  2. 31 Days of AR and VR in Education
  3. LumaAI – 3 D Scanning People and Places
  4. 3D printing what You Scan
  5. Merge Cube
  6. CoSpaces
  7. Mozilla Hubs
  8. Spatial
  9. Ready Player Me
  10. Deep Motion
  11. GeoGeek AR
  12. Adobe Aero


This is financial literacy month! I recently taught my students about budgets and they were so grateful! Teach students the things that matter during financial literacy month and beyond! From budgets to banking to credit and savings, choose a topic and use it in your classroom with EVERFI’s free financial literacy lesson plans.
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10 Minute Teacher Episode 799

How to Use Augmented Reality in the Classroom​

AR/ VR Expert Jaime Donnally shares how to use Augmented Reality in the Classroom

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Resources on Episode 799 - How to Use AR in the Classroom​

About Jaime Donally - Bio as Submitted​

I am a passionate technology enthusiast. I
began my career as a math teacher and later moved into Instructional Technology. My desire to build relationships has brought about opportunities to collaborate with students and educators around the world. I provide staff development and training on immersive technology as an edtech consultant.

My latest adventures include the launch of Global Maker Day and the #ARVRinEDU community, events, and presentations. I work as an author and speaker to provide practical use of augmented and virtual reality in the classroom.

Blog: ARVRinEDU.com

Twitter: @jaimedonally

Transcript - Episode 799 - How to use AR in the Classroom​

Transcript automatically generated by Adobe Audition. Links added by author. Some transcription errors may exist.

00;00;01;05 – 00;00;04;17 John This is the 10 Minute Teacher podcast with your host, Vicki Davis.

00;00;05;04 – 00;00;36;07

Thank you EVERFI, Today’s Sponsor with Financial Literacy Resources

Today’s Sponsor is EVERFI. April is Financial Literacy Month and they have fantastic free digital lessons for K-through-12 students. Stay tuned at the end of the show to learn more about these valuable lessons from EVERFI.

Resource #1: Learn about AR and VR in Education at arvrinedu.com​

00;00;36;08 – 00;00;43;24

Vicki Davis Jaime, you're kind of an expert in this area. Do you want to tell us, first of all, where you have many more resources than just these ten?

00;00;43;28 – 00;00;57;09

Jaime Donally Yeah,

I blog a lot and it's at my site arvrinedu.com over 200 blogs available for people to check out for immersive technology resources. 00;00;57;21 – 00;00;59;22 Vicki Davis So where do we start? What's your first?

Resource #2: 31 Days of AR, VR and Edu (Every March)​

00;00;59;23 – 00;01;22;10 Jaime Donally Okay, well, first off, I am running an event this month called 31 Days of AR, VR and Edu. I started this is my fifth year of doing this, and I decided that March was always that low-key month. So I was going to write a blog every single day. And March is not a low key month anymore, so now I'm like, What was I thinking in March?

00;01;22;10 – 00;01;50;24 Jaime Donally But here we go. There's just every day you're going to hear about different resources. So I'll share some of the ones that have been published as of now, some of the ones that I'll be talking about.

Resource #3: 3D Scanning with Luma AI​

First off, I'm super excited about the way we can do 3D scanning so we can scan in objects with our mobile devices using light AR photogrammetry, even photo realism, using some of the technologies to be able to capture things through photos and to be able to create 3D objects from those photos.

00;01;50;25 – 00;02;12;23 Jaime Donally So one of the tools that I shared is Luma AI, and that one is really cool allows you to capture things again, to guide you, to walk around and capture different objects, and then it can convert that into 3D objects, which you can use for 3D printing. You can use it for augmented reality scenes and virtual reality scenes that you want to upload it into.

00;02;12;24 – 00;02;29;08 Jaime Donally So what's great about this is we keep talking about the metaverse, where we're going with that, and there is no metaverse without 3D content. So those digital assets that we have to have are now capable for our students to be able to capture as opposed to designing them from scratch. So that would be the first.

Resource #4: 3D Printing What You Scan​

00;02;29;08 – 00;02;45;05 Vicki Davis So when it came out, I think I had seen it on your Twitter feed I had since I had an apple on my desk. So I got on my phone, downloaded it, and I had some eighth graders who scanned the apple, and then we took the STL file and exported it and pulled it in and printed it on my MakerBot.

00;02;45;06 – 00;03;03;10 Vicki Davis So they printed a small scale version of the apple that was on my desk. The only thing that was challenging is because it was round, you know, you have to scan it just right. There were one or two little slices that somehow we missed, but I still keep that by the 3D printer as, Hey, we took out Apple in real life and scanned it and put it on there.

00;03;03;10 – 00;03;13;14 Vicki Davis And that was my eighth graders. It did it and it was fantastic. Like, there's so many things you can do with 3D scanning real world and then pulling it into R in VR or 3D printing.

Resource #5: Put the Scan on a Merge Cube​

00;03;13;16 – 00;03;32;12

Jaime: And it's this year I did events where they went through the process of doing the full scan. So they went through understanding what this technology is, how does it work, what kind of devices do you need to the next level being scanned? So then they got the scan and everybody wanted to scan themselves.

00;03;32;20 – 00;03;56;18 Jaime Donally So everybody scanned another person. They had these little 3D objects we call them our little mini mes, and then they went into the next station where they actually uploaded that into augmented reality and they put it into the Merge Cube. So then they were holding their 3D self in their hands and then the fourth and last station was them going into a virtual reality experience and uploading their 3D object.

Resource #6: Use the Scan in CoSpaces​

00;03;56;20 – 00;04;18;09 Jaime Donally So they got to see kind of the concept of what this is actually physically doing it themselves and then uploading it into these immersive spaces to see the whole process, the object viewer app allows you to upload your own 3D objects. If you go to Merge Dashboard, everything that you scan then can be loaded there views. CoSpaces you can upload your 3D objects in there as well.

Resource #7: Build Spaces with 3D Objects in Mozilla Hubs​

00;04;18;10 – 00;04;42;22 Jaime Donally So, you know, I do a lot of the virtual reality meeting spaces, Mozilla hubs, for instance, so you can bring in your 3D objects to be able to design and build spaces for people to come into.

Resource #8: Use Spatial to Create 3D Experiences​

Spatial is one that I just shared an update on. You can actually, in the app upload your scanned object. In the app, you can see everybody floating around while they're there, live in your office or in your classroom.

00;04;42;22 – 00;05;00;12 Jaime Donally Everybody is floating around in augmented reality as well. So in VR, it could be on here on my headset or my computer and then air and Spatial. I can actually see everybody walking around in my physical space and my 3D objects. I can literally scan with them sitting right there. It's just insane.

00;05;00;17 – 00;05;08;19 Vicki Davis Oh, yes. And this summer at ISTE, when I attended virtually, I believe I attended some of your sessions and ran around and your Mozilla hubs did not, it seems like forever ago.

00;05;08;19 – 00;05;27;19 Jaime Donally At ISTE I'll be doing this process too. So the LIDAR scanning for people to go through this process and see what this means, I think it's just we're hitting the tip of the iceberg because as we move into more of the AI aspect of it, what does this mean for converting those 3D objects to be able to manipulate them?

Resource #9: Create 3D Avatars in Ready Player Me​

00;05;27;19 – 00;05;48;03 Jaime Donally So I took, you know, an avatar that I created in Ready Player me and then ready player me.

Resource #10: Make 3D Avatars Talk in Deep Motion​

I then took that and uploaded it into another app Deep Motion, where I created a video talking, and then it took my avatar and did all those same motions. And then, I converted that into an augmented reality 3D object that then I held in my hand with my merge cube.

00;05;48;03 – 00;05;58;27 Jaime Donally So when you think about how all of this functions and how this works, it's all going to be a piece of what the skill sets our students need to have for that future.

00;05;58;27 – 00;06;23;05 Vicki Davis Because really, I mean, once you've you've got it in one place, then you can move it into all the other spaces. So I will mention CoSpaces because you got me on the CoSpaces, and I had this amazing project with my computer science students where they have to build a theme based roller coaster in CoSpaces and it's such a fun project.

00;06;23;06 – 00;06;37;05 Vicki Davis They have to just think differently. We just use the really cheap headsets because they use their phones to experience the space. So it's not like you have to spend a ton of money to do a AR and VR. Is it.

You Don't Need Headsets for AR​

00;06;37;08 – 00;07;04;02 Jaime Donally Right? As a matter of fact, most people don't even use headsets. You know, I think that oftentimes it's very limiting to have headsets, too. What you want to do in a classroom, how many students can be on them, the safety around them, all of the above. But when it comes to using code spaces, what's awesome is it's flexible enough for iPads, for Android tablets or mobile devices, for Chromebooks, for computers and VR headsets.

00;07;04;02 – 00;07;28;14 Jaime Donally So all of the above is available for you to be flexible with that. What they've experienced is already taking place in their mobile device. So every student and most kids are bringing mobile devices to their schools today. Or there could be a cart, maybe the school provides or something to that extent or even the teacher. This demoing what that student has created and it being projected up there on the screen.

00;07;28;14 – 00;07;36;23 Jaime Donally So there's a lot of options out there, but really them creating it without being limited to maybe just having an iPad, I think that's really promising.

Why Teachers Should Use AR and VR in their Classrooms​

00;07;37;14 – 00;07;54;23 Vicki Davis So let me ask you this question. Somebody comes up to you and says, okay, Jaime, prove to me that AR and VR are not just parlor tricks, that it has application in everyday classrooms. What is your 2 to 3 minute elevator pitch about the practicality of these tools?

00;07;55;09 – 00;08;16;15 Jaime Donally Yeah, I think that we need to start thinking about the diversity of our students and how they learn. I got to witness personally at benefit my own daughter in the way that she was learning spelling words When she has dyslexia. I got to personally witness the power of this technology and how that spatial learning impacted her. You know, I share that story a lot, but it's true.

00;08;16;15 – 00;08;40;15 Jaime Donally I got to see it firsthand and I discounted it myself. And I share these resources. I thought, wow, hangman and Ark. But that spatial learning aspect of what our students need to be prepared for their upcoming world, as well as allowing the content to speak to them in a way that's going to resonate and it's going to be relatable and it's going to be something that is now in their real world.

00;08;40;15 – 00;08;58;00 Jaime Donally We talk about real world experiences in education all the time. Well, bam, we have it in our real world now. So this is something that becomes applicable to their real world and certainly where they're going with technology in the future. Our students need these skills for where they're going to be going and what future careers they're going to have.

00;08;58;00 – 00;09;08;24 Vicki Davis So much of it will be 3D. Are there some super practice cool apps that you mentioned that are like low hanging fruit for teachers to be able to just go in and teach a cool lesson?

Resource #11 GeoGeek AR to Teach Geography​

00;09;08;24 – 00;09;35;12 Jaime Donally GeoGeek AR I shared that one specific to learning geography, but having that world in front of you, what's different about this tool is that I'm not just looking at this two dimensional map. If you will, and identifying where things are at and memorizing spots, but instead the world comes to life in front of you and you have to go in and you have to navigate that map and identify where things are located.

Resource #12 Adobe Aero​

00;09;35;12 – 00;09;58;15 Jaime Donally That's an example. I just released Adobe Aero last night. That was really good. It's free. It is right now iOS-specific. Although there is an upcoming release for Android, some future updates. Right now, it's beta so that you can download it on Android, but it's still like in its infancy that that one allows you to make a lot of great scenes and your mobile devices to be able to easily share with other people using app clips.

00;09;58;15 – 00;10;20;24 Jaime Donally And that one is great because at Universal you can use it for anything and you can upload your own 3D content scanned in or designed and be able to share those air scenes easily with people, even if they don't have the Adobe Aero app. I feel like I'm sharing a lot of updates from products, a lot of things that are coming out that has come out this past year and to be quite honest, it's never ending, right?

00;10;20;24 – 00;10;31;12 Jaime Donally There's always going to be another tool release, but the concepts of what we're getting our students prepared for, it doesn't matter what app is released, they'll be prepared with the skills that they need to have to navigate it.

00;10;31;20 – 00;10;54;24 Vicki Davis Jamie is an expert in this area. So much to learn from her and she just helped me write my next project for a C. S, which makes me really, really happy. We're going to do some really cool stuff because I want them to scan 3D objects. I want them to pull it into an experience. I want them to link it to the real world with NFC tags so people can go through and experience things.

00;10;54;24 – 00;11;58;28 Vicki Davis

I want to talk about our sponsor EVERFI.

Everyone remembers THAT teacher. The study hall teacher who walked you through your first college application. The social studies teacher who taught you what taxes were AND how to file them. The math teacher who used student loans to show you how interest worked. YOU can be that teacher—and EVERFI wants to help you make that kind of impact with FREE digital lessons for K thru 12 students. From budgets and banking to credit and savings, you’ll find a financial literacy topic that’s right for your classroom. And especially during April, Financial Literacy Month, there’s no better time to equip students with smart decision-making around finances. Learn how you can share these FREE resources with students and give them a financial foundation that lasts a lifetime. Just go to everfi.com/coolcat.

00;12;02;19 – 00;12;22;01 JohnLYou've been listening to the Ten-minute Teacher podcast. If you like this program, you can find more at cool cat teacher dot com if you wish to see more content by Vicki and you can find her on Facebook and Twitter @coolcatteacher. Thank you for listening.

Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored podcast episode.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

The post 12 AR Apps and Tips for Awesome Classrooms with Jaime Donally appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
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